so this week has overall been pretty chill. monday night kicked off re-o week which stands for "re-orientation" at the village. we had two live bands on monday, one who was a wanna be Linkin Park and the second was a cover band, who was awesome. its so much easier to dance and have an awesome time when you actually know the songs! so kristen, andrew, and alycia came over from their colleges to visit all of us at village and we had an AWESOME time. i love that we're a group of kids who can just have an awesome time together and really dont need other people. its great.
on tuesday, we really didnt do too much. we went to the sports club and societies expo because siobhan mainly wanted to sign up for horseback riding which was successful, so im happy for her. i got some information about the womens basketball club, so i'm going to see if its possible to fit in my schedule but Crew starts next i'm not sure how that'll work out. we also found out that their is a women's footy club, so if that is a minimal time commitment, then i might just learn how to play footy with alycia and kristen which would be awesome to say the least. yea, tuesday was not really an interesting day...we had the re-o week pubcrawl (whats new) but we(the boys and us) just met them at puggs because it started at 630 (WAYYY TO EARLY). we met our neighbors when we went to puggs so that was cool and some other kids at the village but it was their 4th pub so everyone was pretty plastered. tuesday was probably my first "ok" day in melbourne.
wednesday was a little more exciting. we registered for classes (i have class everyday which im not thrilled about) and then the 4 (siobhan, alycia, kristen & me) went into the city to target, big W, and safeway and picked up some stuff (a toothbrush holder) before we went on a 4 outing to see harry potter at the IMAX theatre. IT WAS AWESOME. so, melbourne is home to the biggest IMAX screen in the southern hemisphere so it was huge, and then the last 20 minutes was in 3-d!!!! it was amazing. i'm not really even into harry potter like most people but it was pretty sweet. oh, we also had got dinner at this spud place on lygon street which was delicious. De-licious.
yesterday, we finally were able to get all of our ID's...our uni ID and our student union ID (which has an amazing amount of perks). the 4 of us also figured out all of our tutorials and all that and I got my chemistry stuff worked out which is good. we then went into the city and just hung out and explored a little bit. it was a nice little afternoon. oh, we also went to Myer which is basically their huge department store. but its more than just a department store. its pretty much life. it has basically a foodcourt, a grocery, plus absurd amounts of clothes...its about 3 streets long and 4 stories high. its insane. we all ended up getting eye make-up done at myer which was fun! such girls, i know. we then went to dinner at the overseas christian fellowship meeting which i obviously enjoyed but everyone enjoyed the food. de-licious once again. it was asian food...very good asian food and everyone was crazy nice. it was good because although it was pretty much an Asian christian organization, i was able to link up with some people to go to church with on sunday which im pumped about.
last night we went to puggs (whats new) and it was INSANELY crowded. it was fun though per usual. it was good to see all of our other international and american friends who we havent seen in a few days and there was also a crazy amount of australian students there but it definitely wasn't really a night to make new friends. way tooo many people. way too many drunk people. haha. well, today is pretty much a nice relaxing day which is definitely needed. oh, and yesterday and i went for a run to the river! finally! it was actually very nice and it wasn't that far and im soooo excited to row on monday!
but yeah, today we're going to go to the QV market and thats pretty much all thats on the agenda. for the last night of re-o week (oh last night was casino night..and everyone was decked out in their casino royale attire, but we didnt get the memo so we were crazy underdressed when we walked in...even the boys were decked out)...but back to tonight, there is a DJ at the bar/club next that should be fun. per usual, all of our non-village friends are going to come over so it should be a lot of fun. well, thats pretty much all for now. i'll update after the weekend is over....g'day mate!
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