so thursday night we went to puggs and that was cool. pretty much your standard thursday night; however, we have all decided that we need to venture out of the puggs scene and really explore the nightlife of melbourne.
friday, we headed to the gardens to take a gander at cooks cottage. it was an absolutely gorgeous 70 + day and we (me, monica, kristen & alycia) took a nice stroll around the gardens. we first stopped at the treasury gardens before we got to fitzroy gardens and took a look at the pretty sweet treasury building.

but yea. we then headed to sinclair's cottage which was kinda random but cute nonetheless before meeting up with siobhan and her family. we just hung out with them for a while and talked and stuff before heading off to the tudor village. when you think of a tudor think of a mock up of tudor england, correct. in life size form. correct? well, thats not quite what it was but it was really interesting. i felt like i was in zoolander when we approached because all you wanted to say was "what is this, a center (village) for ants?". however, it was an interesting experience. here it is:

we then ventured around the rest of the gardens for the day and just enjoyed the beautiful day and the melbourne weather. we found the thomas jefferson rotunda...haha and then obviously took numerous pictures.

we also went to the conservatory which had some gorgeous flowers and that was pretty chill. lastly, we ended up by going to the parliament on the way home which was pretty sweet. they had some awesome rocky like steps and really really sweet lamp posts. it had a very roman architecture feel

saturday was another gorgeous day. i was able to get out and go for a run in princes park which was awesome and was pretty successful in getting work done and such. all the girls came over saturday night and we watched "you've got mail" and just hung out. solid night per ususal. i think that has definitely just became a part of the weekly schedule because on the weekends, all the australians go home so its pretty quiet around here.
sunday was very productive as well (which it needed to be because i have a paper and a test coming up), but the highlight of the day was definitely church. so i finally found an awesome church in the city and i am so pumped and excited to be going there now. its basically a perfect church for me especially because they cater to youth my age and have a special "uni" ministry. i am really excited to be getting involved with this church and am really excited to befriend more aussies. that is going to be my goal for the next few weeks is to befriend more aussies...because thats what i'm here for. so between rowing and church (and i might pick up basketball too), i will be able to get all over that.
rowing was really good this morning except the whole idea of my back breaking further and further each day. the pain has not only came back but become worse and i'm not quite sure what exactly to do about it. i'm going to go to student health tomorrow because the pain is awful and i really just need to know whats wrong with it...once and for all.
well thats it for now...these next couple of weeks are going to be pretty jam-packed with work as mid semester break is rolling around. at the end of this week, i will be half way done with classes which is pretty absurd if you ask me. but true. oh and exciting news! alycia, monica and I all booked our plane tickets for brisbane! so yah!! we're going to brisbane for the second week of mid-semester break and i couldn't be more excited. i am so excited to be able to go sit on beach somewhere and just bask in a new city and such. they call brisbane "brisvegas" so VIVA BRISVEGAS!!!
until next time. cheers!
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